Substance Painter - Making a simple stylized art texture

 Texture Stylization using Substance Painter 3D

Final results (available on my portfolio)

First of all, you need to understand Substance Painter basics before continuing on these tips. You can watch this video to learn how to use Substance Painter

To make your texture stylized, use blur slope > blur directional then sharpen the filter. This will make the texture looks more hand-painted and stylized style. Don't use blur directional too aggressive because it will blur out the texture completely.

Before using 3 filters above
After using 3 filters above
To make it even more stylized, use cells to fill grayscale onto the texture. (add a new fill layer) Add a new fill layer > add black mask > right click on the black mask and add another fill layer. Don’t forget to change all layer blending masks to overlay to make it more realistic and blent to the previous layer
Add more tint to the texture by duplicating the cells and randomizing the seeds once more. Then change the color of the cells and it will make more variation onto the texture.

Then add a generator onto a layer then search for Curvature. this will make the texture look more stylized because of the line on the edges. 
Curvature edge highlights

More effects to be considered
1. Ambient occlusion (generator)
2. Grunges (fill layer > black mask > fill layer > plug in the grunge)

More effects are available in this Youtube video below
